Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oreo Cookie Extravaganza!

I had a blast the other day teaching my youngsters about the moon & using cookies to do it!
We did each phase one at a time licking the frosting from the cookies & made the cookies stick with chocolate frosting--they might have liked that better than the cookies. Once we got them stuck on their plate we went around & review each shape.
I was fortunate enough to allow them to take them home in plastic baggies to help them remember the shapes of the moon.
It took a lot of planning & supplies, but I knew it was better to have extra than not enough. I would definitely do this in my own classroom because it seemed to be effective & there are so many ideas that can branch from this.
We had them write 5 sentences in their journal about what they learned about the moon & the shapes they made. It was a great way for them to reflect.
Overall it was a huge success & the kids "ate" it up!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow I am teaching my first science lesson..ever! Now I have never been a science kind of girl, but I am really excited to teach the phases of the moon to my first graders. We are going to be using Oreo cookies to demonstrate the different shapes the moon makes in the sky. Now we aren't getting technical, no need to confuse those little guys, but I really think its going to be a great hands on activity for them. I mean, who can go wrong with kids & Oreos?! As an extension for the kids I am asking them to really look in the sky that night and the nights in the future & think back to the shapes that we created with the cookies. There are also a lot of children's books that talk about the moon and the different shapes that it makes. I really think this is a cool subject to teach students at a young age because it introduces them to a bigger picture other than just our world. I am hoping to be able to take some pictures of their finished products and add them to the blog, fingers crossed!
Until Later,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Obsessed with Post-its!

    As a future teacher I tend to have a love for office supplies--pens, paper clips, binders, dividers, markers, etc, etc. But my new obsession has become Post-its! In class, I stick them to everything. Any shape, size, or color, it doesn't matter. I like to use them when working on my assessments so I know what is expected and how the child performs without writing on the original-keeps it cleaner and neater.
    I also think it is great for students to use as well. When doing a graphing lesson, students can write their name on the Post-it then put it under the category they want. For example-figuring out the class' favorite ice cream flavor-you list multiple flavors then students come up and place their note under their favorite. It is kinesthetic, visual, as well as allowing the students to choose what they want.
I like having a lot of colors and color coordinating everything-it keeps us teachers organized! Having each color symbolize a subject or a type of lesson could be beneficial when it comes to planning. I myself hate forgetting things so when I see a bright post-it I know I have something that I can't forget. It is important for us to teach our kids to be organized and keep everything straight and the best way to do that is by setting an example :)
Stay organized!

Until Later, Amanda

Friday, March 2, 2012

What Do Teachers Make?

Teachers are everything. An educator, a care giver, a nurse, a counselor, a problem solver, an organizer, a planner, a lawyer, and so much more. They are compelling and engaging-they know how to handle the toughest crowd--young children! Think back to your favorite teacher-what made them your favorite? Was it that amazing math lesson or the way they made you feel each & every day? I can almost guarantee it is how you felt when that teacher helped you fix that problem you were having with your friend, or how they pushed you to do your very best every time, not if it was hard, but because it was hard. A challenge was put forth everyday & you probably didn't even realize it-they made learning fun. That is the kind of teacher I strive to be & when someone asks me how I survive on "no money" or asks me what I make, I know that I make a difference.

This video really spoke to me & was introduced to me by my boyfriend who sees that I am always criticized for the career I am going into because it doesn't pay what people think it should...but sometimes it isn't about the money..sometimes it's about the way you feel every morning when you get up for work...
Enjoy the video, the end might me a little vulgar, but the middle gets the point across :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Here Goes Nothing...

I am super lucky to be entering into this lovely world of teaching. Ever since I was young, I have been thinking of how my classroom would look, what I would get to teach & the impact I would make. Once I got into college, I tried to pull myself away from being a teacher--for some odd reason I didn't think I could do it. I tried different classes & finally came to my senses...I was destined to be a elementary teacher. I am now embarking into my practicums & student teaching & figured I should document all the wonderful things I am learning in the field & then it hit me-create a blog! So here I am, recording what I encounter on this wonderful journey of becoming a rising teacher.